Why Funda?

FundaBistro is a convenient, affordable restaurant located on the FundaMedical premises. FundaMedical offers vouchers that can be personalised to attorney's requirements and be redeemed on the premises by claimants in exchange for meals and drinks. It is a wonderful getaway from a stressful day of medical examinations.RELATIONSHIP & COLLECTIONS MANAGEMENT SLAs allow Funda to safeguard our relationship with stakeholders by delivering faster response times and greater transparency. Your time is our priority. We adhere to The POPI Act stringently, and all information remains safe and secure with cutting-edge management software. PRODUCTS & SERVICESFINANCINGTYPES OF EXPERTSFUNDAFREECASE MANAGEMENTFUNDAIMAGINGMOBILE PATIENT DAYSFUNDADRIVEFUNDABISTROFUNDAACADEMYFUNDACLINICFUNDAMALISERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA)FundaMedical's core product offering is a wide range of medical-legal reports produced by our qualified panel of medical experts who have extensive experience in personal injury matters. Additional products and services include Medico-Legal Reports, RAF4s, Joint Minutes, FundaDrive, FundaBistro, Interpretations, Mobile Experts and many more.We have partnered with financing companies in a tri-party agreement that provides different financing options tailored to each firm's needs. The Funda Group takes your financial well-being seriously, and we have sought the help of various finance houses to ensure that your cash flow is guarded. This allows for flexibility and peace of mind. Our financiers provide innovative finance solutions for attorneys' disbursements on a case-by-case basis. Our financiers offer attorneys the option of not paying deposits and only making payments after settlement.FundaMedical boasts an extensive and professional team of experts who are available on request. Nationwide service is our pride. Convenience to you is pivotal to FundaMedical. The Funda Profile Expert Site allows you to view what experts are on offer, their individual CVs, and example reports written by the experts.FundaMedical offers free document management software that is secure, POPI compliant and cloud-based - which can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Our friendly IT team will set this up on your personal computers at your convenience.FundaDrive is a convenient and affordable means of transporting experts and patients to and from their assessments. This allows for hassle-free, door-to-door transportation and is fully safe and reliable. FundaDrive also caters for handicap patients.Four vital pillars make up our learning journey. These include expert development, attorney and expert forums, medical legal report checks, and professional typists' upskilling and development. We include administrators and profilers in these development forums to ensure a consistent flow of growth and professionalism throughout the business.Mobile Patient Days offer medical assessments nationally. FundaMedical will fly any team of experts nationally to complete your medical assessments. Locations include but are not limited to Polokwane, Mbombela, Hartswater, Kroonstad, Upington, Kimberley, Queenstown, Port Shepstone, East London, Kathu, Bloemfontein, Midrand, Durban, Cape Town, Oudtshoorn, Port Elizabeth, Rustenburg, Richards Bay, Piet Retief & Jan Kempdorp. If the necessary conditions are met, we can organize a Mobile Patient Day anywhere in the country.FundaImaging is a division of FundaMedical which offers high definition X-Ray scans on-site. This offers convenience and a high level of professionalism. CT, MRI & Sonar scans can be arranged with our radiological partners.The Case Management Administrator is appointed to schedule medical assessments with the relevant Medical Experts upon the request of the attorney. With active involvement and attention to detail, they will ensure timeous delivery of reports and see the case to its completion.FundaClinic boasts an array of facilities, including ECG scans, Pulmonary tests and certificates, Audiology reports, eye tests, urine and blood tests, aviation medicals, Professional Driving Permits (PDP), Driving medicals (PADI), workmens compensation, construction worker medicals as well as medicals for insurance purposes. FundaClinic can also accommodate the rehabilitation of clients.FundaMali, a division of the FundaGroup, is a charted accountant and tax practitioner company, specialising in invoicing and cost compiling. FundaMali also completes forensic reports on behalf of FundaMedical.FundaMedical's Key Account Consultants maintain an ongoing level of constant engagement and attention to detail with all key stakeholders on the improvement of the FundaGroup. This keeps in line with the "Funda" principle of never-ending learning and improvement in operations and issues about the individual attorney's needs.
SLAs allow Funda to safeguard our relationship with stakeholders by delivering faster response times and greater transparency. Your time is our priority. We adhere to The POPI Act stringently, and all information remains safe and secure with cutting-edge management software. SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA)PRODUCTS & SERVICESFundaMedical's core product offering is a wide range of medical-legal reports produced by our qualified panel of medical experts who have extensive experience in personal injury matters. Additional products and services include Medico-Legal Reports, RAF4s, Joint Minutes, FundaDrive, FundaBistro, Interpretations, Mobile Experts and many more.FINANCINGWe have partnered with financing companies in a tri-party agreement that provides different financing options tailored to each firm's needs. The Funda Group takes your financial well-being seriously, and we have sought the help of various finance houses to ensure that your cash flow is guarded. This allows for flexibility and peace of mind. Our financiers provide innovative finance solutions for attorneys' disbursements on a case-by-case basis. Our financiers offer attorneys the option of not paying deposits and only making payments after settlement.TYPES OF EXPERTSFundaMedical boasts an extensive and professional team of experts who are available on request. Nationwide service is our pride. Convenience to you is pivotal to FundaMedical. The Funda Profile Expert Site allows you to view what experts are on offer, their individual CVs, and example reports written by the experts.FUNDAFREEFundaMedical offers free document management software that is secure, POPI compliant and cloud-based - which can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Our friendly IT team will set this up on your personal computers at your convenience.FUNDADRIVEFundaDrive is a convenient and affordable means of transporting experts and patients to and from their assessments. This allows for hassle-free, door-to-door transportation and is fully safe and reliable. FundaDrive also caters for handicap patients.FUNDABISTROFundaBistro is a convenient, affordable restaurant located on the FundaMedical premises. FundaMedical offers vouchers that can be personalised to attorney's requirements and be redeemed on the premises by claimants in exchange for meals and drinks. It is a wonderful getaway from a stressful day of medical examinations.FUNDAACADEMYFour vital pillars make up our learning journey. These include expert development, attorney and expert forums, medical legal report checks, and professional typists' upskilling and development. We include administrators and profilers in these development forums to ensure a consistent flow of growth and professionalism throughout the business.MOBILE PATIENT DAYSMobile Patient Days offer medical assessments nationally. FundaMedical will fly any team of experts nationally to complete your medical assessments. Locations include but are not limited to Polokwane, Mbombela, Hartswater, Kroonstad, Upington, Kimberley, Queenstown, Port Shepstone, East London, Kathu, Bloemfontein, Midrand, Durban, Cape Town, Oudtshoorn, Port Elizabeth, Rustenburg, Richards Bay, Piet Retief & Jan Kempdorp. If the necessary conditions are met, we can organize a Mobile Patient Day anywhere in the country.FUNDAIMAGINGFundaImaging is a division of FundaMedical which offers high definition X-Ray scans on-site. This offers convenience and a high level of professionalism. CT, MRI & Sonar scans can be arranged with our radiological partners.CASE MANAGEMENTThe Case Management Administrator is appointed to schedule medical assessments with the relevant Medical Experts upon the request of the attorney. With active involvement and attention to detail, they will ensure timeous delivery of reports and see the case to its completion.FUNDACLINICFundaClinic boasts an array of facilities, including ECG scans, Pulmonary tests and certificates, Audiology reports, eye tests, urine and blood tests, aviation medicals, Professional Driving Permits (PDP), Driving medicals (PADI), workmens compensation, construction worker medicals as well as medicals for insurance purposes. FundaClinic can also accommodate the rehabilitation of clients.FUNDAMALIFundaMali, a division of the FundaGroup, is a charted accountant and tax practitioner company, specialising in invoicing and cost compiling. FundaMali also completes forensic reports on behalf of FundaMedical.RELATIONSHIP & COLLECTIONS MANAGEMENTFundaMedical's Key Account Consultants maintain an ongoing level of constant engagement and attention to detail with all key stakeholders on the improvement of the FundaGroup. This keeps in line with the "Funda" principle of never-ending learning and improvement in operations and issues about the individual attorney's needs.