There are three main forms that need to be filled out and submitted to the Road accident fund for you to start a personal injury claim for injuries suffered in a Road traffic accident.
- RAF 1 form. All claims must be lodged using the RAF 1 form.
- RAF 3 form. The RAF 3 form is a statutory accident report form that needs to be submitted with details of the accident, along with witness statements.
- RAF 4 form. Serious Injury form
FundaMedical offers both the RAF1 and RAF4.
RAF 1 form
RAF 1 form asks for the basic information about the claimant, details of the vehicles and the other people involved in the road accident. A detailed description of the events leading up to and including the road traffic accident should be included. The RAF 1 form also asks for the amount that is being claimed and a medical report from the claimant’s doctor or consultant. All claims to the fund need this form.
RAF 4 form
RAF 4 form (Serious Injury Assessment Report) According to the RAF Act a medical practitioner has to determine whether or not the victim has suffered a serious injury by undertaking an assessment prescribed in the regulations to the RAF Act. The RAF 4 report is prepared by the he practitioner performing the injury assessment. The medical practitioner must assess the injury in terms of the American Medical Association’s Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 6 ed (the AMA Guides). If the injury is found to have resulted in 30% or more impairment of the whole person, according to the methods stipulated in the AMA Guides, the injury should be assessed as a serious injury. This report confirms that the injury is serious enough to warrant the award of compensation to the injured claimant. This report needs to be backed up with medical reports, receipts, financial statements as well as any other documents that support the claim.
If you need a RAF1 or RAF4 form contact FundaMedical today.